Center for Forensic Investigations of Trafficking in Persons

Through collaboration with U.S. and international government organizations, non-government organizations, health care providers, law enforcement, forensic science and other academic institutions, 人口贩运的法医调查中心进行了严格的研究, provides real time investigative assistance, and assists victims of human trafficking.

Despite the best efforts of many government and non-government entities, 贩运人口的危机继续以惊人的速度增长和扩大. 目前的估计表明,目前有3 000多万人陷于某种形式的奴役或剥削之中. There is an obvious and overwhelming need for new strategies and methodologies.

The Center for Forensic Investigation of Trafficking in Persons, launched in 2015 at the University of New Haven's Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, 通过在学术和实践领域推动使用科学和调查方法,在打击人口贩运方面取得了非常成功的记录. The Henry C. Lee College each year earns national recognition for its signature programs, 包括在全国同类院校中名列前茅.

The use of forensic based techniques in the war against human trafficking is novel. Leading up to the creation of our Center, this concept was presented to numerous U.S. 涉及人口贩运的联邦和地方执法机构及其他机构, as well foreign entities, and numerous forensic science and health care professionals. 这些提出的概念受到了极大的欢迎,并希望看到它们在国内和国外得到实施.

The Center for Forensic Investigation of Trafficking in Persons is a unique, 首个专门对贩运人口进行法医调查的实体.

  • 我们的人口贩运法医调查中心致力于通过教育打击人口贩运, research, and collaboration. We aim to facilitate cross-sector partnerships such as policing, taskforces, 为非营利组织提供教育框架,重点关注以证据为基础的研究和数据,以便更好地了解贩运网络, victims' needs, and suitable scientific practices to investigate trafficking-related crimes. Our goal is to enact change through proactive forensics work, innovative tech tools for evidence gathering, and training programs for key stakeholders to identify and assist victims. 我们的最终愿景是建立一个社区和司法系统,增强幸存者的权能,并通过提高认识来破坏剥削, intervention, and data-driven advocacy. We bring together resources and expertise to make this vision a reality.

    1. 开展高质量的研究,以更好地了解与人口贩运和性暴力有关的犯罪及其网络, victims, and trends
    2. Provide data, 分析和见解,以协助执法部门调查和起诉的重点是剥削人类
    3. 通过研究和教育提高认识,为预防人口贩运工作提供信息
    4. 倡导以证据为基础的政策和方案,打击人口贩运,开发新的法医工具和技术,以协助贩运调查,并与反人口贩运领域的利益攸关方合作,最大限度地发挥影响
    1. 在同行评议的期刊上发表关于人口贩运的研究和报告,评估和改进目前的人口贩运调查方法
    2. 探索与DNA相关的研究和针对人口贩运相关犯罪的其他法医技术
    3. 分析金融网络和在线活动,发现成人和儿童剥削操作
    4. Potential partnerships with tech companies, 金融机构和非政府组织利用数据来源,举办研讨会和讲座,教育执法部门和民间社会团体
    5. Train law enforcement officers on victim-centered, 以创伤为依据的调查实践,并就以证据为基础的人口贩运预防和威慑措施向决策者提供建议
  • 人口贩运中心认识到让学生参与打击人口贩运的重要性. 我们为学生提供了许多参与其中并有所作为的机会.

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Expert Faculty & Staff

网赌上分平台的各种教职员工和学生都对打击人口贩运和利用法医科学和相关技术打击这一流行病感兴趣. 了解在这一专业领域进行研究和工作的人员以及将为贩运人口问题法医调查中心提供资源的人员.

Our Work Fighting Trafficking

Impact Areas

The work of the Center is having an impact across the globe. Our work has made an impact in the areas of enhanced victim support, prevention education, government relations and advocacy, 制定综合方法解决网上性剥削以及制作和传播儿童性虐待材料(CSAM).

Learn About Our Impact


Academic research has been a constant key objective of the Center. 我们制定了利用生物识别和法医学学科打击人口贩运的最佳做法指南. 我们发表了关于在人口贩运案件中使用DNA分析作为有效调查工具的研究和文章. 我们还与网赌上分平台(University of New Haven)的其他中心和实验室合作,围绕A.I. and deep learning models, Dark Web detection and threat analysis, and more.

Learn About Our Research

Teaching the Next Generation of Fighters

作为刑事司法和法医学领域公认的领导者,亨利C. 李学院为无数毕业生在打击人口贩运的领域工作奠定了学术基础. 除了为所有学科的学生提供参与的机会, 李学院有与打击和调查人口贩运直接相关的学术课程.

How to Get Involved
